Top 6 Australian Building Innovations for 2022
Chances are, things have changed since you last renovated a home. Thanks to new technologies and our growing understanding of our impact on the natural world, the building industry is advancing at a rapid rate. As a result, there’s a lot for DIY fans and modernising homeowners to be excited about, both now and in the future.
From innovations that can save you money to ones that will bring you a step closer to the future, it’s worth being on the cutting edge. To help you design your home in line with the latest in industry best practices, we’ve rounded up the most interesting new innovations that are all set to take Australia by storm.
Why Does the Building Industry Need to Innovate?
For a long time, the building industry in Australia did pretty much everything in the same way. While there is an argument for sticking with what works, the risk-averse predilection of the building industry has brought with it a certain amount of stagnation.
With the world changing at such an incredible pace, largely due to things like climate change and the so-called digital transformation, there’s no excuse anymore. Industries of all sizes have to put the work in if they want to stay with the times, especially those as expansive as the building and construction sector.
6 Australian Building Innovations You Need to Know About
There is plenty in the way of innovation building going on in Australia at the moment. By following the trajectory of the biggest changes, we can see which are most likely to become commonplace in the coming year. So, as 2022 creeps ever closer, keep in mind the following advancements in the building industry and ensure your home always stays one step ahead.
Solar Power
Solar energy abounds in sunny Australia, and the technology to harness it is out there waiting for us. As of right now, though, solar only accounts for about 0.1% of our primary energy consumption. But, in a world where the most common energy sources are also the most polluting, something has to change.
The good news is that some of the latest solar innovations look poised to tip this energy source over into the mainstream. These include super-efficient and cost-effective solar panels, as well as solar film for windows and floating solar farms.
Eco-Friendly Building Materials
The environmentally-friendly changes don’t stop with solar power. More and more, contractors are turning to sustainable building materials to help them construct and maintain their properties. While it might seem unusual to turn our backs on brick and mortar, there are plenty of strong and durable eco-conscious options that bring with them a whole heap of benefits.
Recycled steel, bamboo, and precast concrete are all tried and tested in home construction and can help save significant amounts of energy. There are sustainable materials for insulation, too, including sheep’s wool, straw, and plant-based alternatives to polyurethane rigid foam.
So, ask your contractor of choice about their experience with these sorts of innovative building materials and how they can be used to make your home kinder to the planet.
Offsite Assembly
As bizarre as it might sound, assembling individual rooms and even whole houses offsite is on the up in Australia. Known as pre-fabrication, this process relies on an assembly line of tradespeople who work on every house from the same location. Once a home or room is completed, it will be transported to and installed at the correct address.
It’s a system that has the potential to be less wasteful, more productive, and easier on our wallets. In fact, prefabricated homes are cheaper to build by an average of 10% to 20%.
Flexible Spaces
It’s not just where we build our spaces that looks set to change. How we use that space is also due an upgrade in these chronically busy times, and it’s up to the construction industry to do something about it.
You might already have noticed that open-plan living is becoming increasingly trendy. Looking ahead, we’re likely to see what we know as “rooms” shift and become “zones.” These so-called zones will be adaptable to our every need, meaning that we won’t just have bedrooms but leisure spaces, and rather than kitchens and offices, we’ll have work zones.
For those amongst us who have spent the last 18 months working from home, this is likely to be good news. Having more open, less rigidly defined spaces in your home means that sudden adjustments to things like remote working won’t be so hard to accommodate.
Dry Fixed Roofing
When it comes to roofing, Australia is far behind the times. Dry fixed roofing is extremely popular in Europe and, soon, it will hopefully be just as well established in Australia.
Unlike the traditional wet mortar method used to install ridge caps in a roof, dry fixed roofing is really easy to fit. It’s also far more cost-effective in the long run because, once installed, a dry fixed roof won’t require any further maintenance.
Dry fixed roofing uses innovative building products including an eaves vent, stabilised ridge flashing, mechanical clips, and a batten holder to hold the ridge tile in place. Together, they create a system that naturally prevents heat build-up in a roof from penetrating the house below. This helps to keep homes cool, even during the hottest summer days.
Registration for Tradespeople
It’s not just innovative building materials that are shaking up Australia’s building industry. Stricter licensing requirements for tradespeople are also becoming customary across the country, which is leading to higher standards of work.
However, the legislation surrounding licensing varies depending on where you’re based. So, be sure to keep an eye on the laws in your state or territory. If registration becomes mandatory where you are, look to hire someone who can prove they have the appropriate documentation.
Australia’s Biggest Building Innovations for 2022
With innovation building in the construction industry, houses across Australia should be ready for a revamp in the not-too-distant future. So, if you’re thinking of upgrading your home, make sure to do it with the latest technologies, products, and practices in mind.
Whether you want to make your home more efficient, better for the environment, or adaptable to the times we’re in, some advancements will help you do just that. If any of them appeal to you, for example, dry fixed roofing or eco-friendly assembly, ask your local contractor or construction company whether they’re available in your area.