A high lead blood level is currently defined as more than 10 micrograms of lead per decilitre of blood
(10 µg/dL). However, an increased likelihood of death from heart attack or stroke has started to be
seen in people with blood levels as low as 2 µg/dL.
It is now widely acknowledged by health professionals that there is no such thing as a ‘safe’ level
of lead in the blood. Negative health impacts include the heart, kidneys and brain. Rising blood
pressure, hypertension and kidney damage are also strongly linked with blood lead levels.
For installers there are serious health risks from handling lead flashing… These include absorption of
lead into the blood from contact and the inhalation of toxic lead dust.
For home owners and the community the serious health risks from lead contamination of run-off
rain water for drinking have brought about changes to the Building Code of Australia as well as State
building codes to prohibit the use of lead in any roof system coming in contact with potable water.
With WAKAFLEX lead-free flexible flashing, there are none of these problems. WAKAFLEX’s inert
qualities and non-toxic materials mean that it can be installed with most roofing materials and will
not contaminate any harvested run-off water for tanks and grey-water systems and is therefore
safer for the installer, home owner and the environment.
WAKAFLEX lead-free flashing is also lighter and easier to use than lead.