Condensation is every homeowner’s biggest nightmare. Proper ventilation is critical for a prolonged building and roof life. To simplify your decision, here are the various ventilation options, their benefits, and disadvantages.
Box vents
It is simple and covers the hole in the highest part of the roof, to allow hot air to escape.
• Box vents are affordable and easy to install
• They come in different styles
• They don’t encourage airflow
• Multiple box vents must be established for proper ventilation
• You may need additional dehumidifiers and fans
Power vents
They utilise electric or solar power to drive out hot air. Some power vents are fitted with an adjustable thermostat that triggers them to start running when the humidity or temperature hits a certain level.
• It can self-regulate itself with a thermostat
• They are fitted with large fans for air circulation
• It is dependent on electricity to run
• Can elevate your power bills
• Power vents with thermostats can be expensive
RapidRidge Dry Fixed Roofing System with Ventilation
RapidRidge with Ventilation incorporates all the benefits of a dry fixed roof with the added bonus of ventilation. The system allows an open ridge at the highest point of the roof, allowing air to circulate.
• It offers continuous and uniform air circulation
• It is energy efficient since it’s non-powered and won’t incur power bills
• It has a simple and its design won’t ruin the visual style of your home
• They cannot allow rodents into your property
• It may be slightly more expensive than other non-powered options, but compensates with low maintenance and high efficiency
• If incorrectly installed, the roof may leak water into the attic. Always countercheck the credentials of the professional doing the roof plumbing.
• They are not ideal for certain types of roof configuration, for instance, non-sloped rooms that lack a central attic.
Evo Building Products is Australia’s leading supplier in innovative building products. We are specialists in innovative roofing products, committed to inspiring and educating the market on newer and more efficient ways of making properties more liveable. Call us today to discuss how RapidRidge is the superior way of ventilating your roof 02 9666 0169 or email info@evobuild.com.au