Different measurements
To start, NABERS has been set up to measure a building’s environmental performance. It does so by checking the energy and water efficiency as well as the waste management and other aspects such as the indoor environmental quality. NatHERS meanwhile, measures how much energy is required to heat and cool the home over the year.
How measurements are conducted
NABERS takes into account the historical performance of a building as well as its current performance in terms of water and energy usage and waste management processes. The readings are then compared to a set of benchmarks and the building is given a rating that lasts for one year.
NatHERS takes all the building’s relevant features into account including the materials, placement of the windows, levels of insulation and even the climate zone. These features and more are run through specially designed software which is used to calculate how warm or cold each room will be on any given day of the year. That information is then processed to see how much energy would be needed to heat or cool the home throughout the year.
For NABERS, a 6 star rating is the maximum, with NatHERS homes can achieve a maximum of 10 stars, although you only require 6 in order to be fully compliant. Unlike NABERS, a NatHERS rating doesn’t need to be repeated once you’ve received your certification.
Are they required?
NABERS is required if you are selling or leasing an office space larger than 2000m². NatHERS is required if you are building a new home or major renovation. In order to move forward with the project, you will need to score a minimum 6 star rating from an approved software.
In order to get the required rating or even exceed it you should be looking to make your new home or building project as energy efficient as possible. That means using green materials during construction. As one of Australia’s biggest suppliers of innovative building supplies, we know what’s required to construct an eco home or unit. Talk to us today about how we can help you get the NatHERS and NABERS ratings you need.