Countries across Europe are enjoying the many budget and environmental benefits of dry fixed roofing installation, and it’s time Australia followed their lead.
From beaches to barbecues and everything in between, there’s a lot that we get right here in Australia. Unfortunately, though, roof installation is not one of them. While other countries across the world put cost-efficiency, sustainability, and practicality first, for many years the Australian construction sector has been more concerned with maintaining the status quo.
But the world around us is shifting and we have to learn to shift with it. This is particularly important for people working within construction. Not only will a more forward-thinking approach to things like roof installation and ventilation help to bring industry best practices into the modern-day, but it will also bring more clients to your business’s door.
All around Europe, well-ventilated, mortar-free roof installation is becoming mainstream and is helping contractors provide an improved service to paying customers. Quick and easy to install, this new approach to roof ventilation installation finally looks set to catch on in Australia.
The Importance of Roof Ventilation
There are so many benefits of this exciting new approach to roof installation, which is widely known as dry fixed roofing. For one thing, it takes far less time and people power to fix a new roof using this system and it can be done in most weather conditions. For another, it doesn’t rely on traditional wet mortar so it makes no mess.
However, arguably the biggest benefit of dry fixed roofing is that it naturally facilitates ventilation in the roof of a house. So, rather than let warm air get trapped inside and cause overheating in the rooms below, the dry fixed roofing system introduces an open ridge right at the top of the roof that allows hot air to escape and cool air to pass through.
Given all of its many benefits, Australian construction companies that can carry out dry fixed roofing have the potential to be very popular once this technique takes off.
Problems With Poor Roof Vent Installation
Houses with poorly ventilated rooves are prone to overheating, especially in the summer. This usually lends itself to an overreliance on energy-wasting ACs and fans to help cool down individual rooms. Not only is this bad for the environment, but it will also cost your customers more money.
As heat builds up inside the rafters, moisture often accumulates. Over time, this is likely to lead to damp, which is bad news for the roof itself as well as the ceiling below. Subpar roof ventilation is more likely to let rain in from the outside, too. So, houses that are built using traditional installation methods will have leaks to worry about as well as damp.
All in all, then, the way we’re doing things in Australia right now is far from the best approach. With dry fixed roofing in your company’s repertoire, you can offer your clients much more at the point of installation and long after, and at a time when very few businesses are offering the same.
How Europe Is Leading the Way With Roof Ventilation Installation
For years now, builders across Europe and in countries as far apart as the United Kingdom and the United States have used dry fixed roofing to improve ventilation in new build houses. In doing so, they are helping to future proof people’s homes.
Roofs that are built with this innovative approach to roof vent installation remain functional for far longer and without needing constant upkeep. Besides being an inconvenience, this need for regular maintenance can be costly as well. As such, the properties that are being built in these countries are much more likely to make for safe and happy homes.
With the world moving in a more sustainable direction, it’s also important that buildings become as eco-friendly as possible. Not only are more consumers than ever before looking for new ways to lower their energy consumption, but they’re also becoming increasingly aware of the immense size of Australia’s carbon footprint.
Beyond our borders, people are realising the extraordinary benefits of well-ventilated, dry fixed roofing systems in an increasingly eco-conscious world. So, adopt dry fixed roofing to keep your customers up to date with the latest in roof installation technology and let them know that your company can help them reduce their energy bills and environmental impact.
How Does Dry Fixed Roofing Work?
The way dry fixed roofing works is simple enough, although it may vary slightly depending on the exact system you use. With RapidRidge, roof ventilation and installation is as simple as its four component parts, all of which work together to create a sound and long-lasting structure with a natural cooling passive system.
For starters, the eaves vents sit beneath the eaves boards, creating a path for air to escape from the uppermost ridge of the roof while simultaneously pulling in cooler air further down. To hold the eaves vents in place, stabilised ridge flashing is secured over the ridge of the roof along with a weather barrier fleece that protects the roof from the worst of the elements.
The tiles of the ridge are held in place against the ridge batten by sturdy mechanical clips that have been designed specifically with Australian roofs in mind. Finally, the batten holder sits at the top and ensures the long-term durability of the overall structure.
The Future of Roof Installation in Australia
There’s no doubt about it: dry fixed roofing has to be the way forward in the Australian construction industry. It is by far the most environmentally friendly and cost-efficient building option available today, which in turn makes it the most viable approach to roof installation in our eco and consumer-conscious world.
Builders and businesses that begin offering dry fixed roofing as standard have the chance to stand out from their competitors. As consumers including homeowners, investors, and trading companies look to get the most bang for their buck, they’ll begin asking questions about just how up-to-date things like the roof installation methods are for the properties they want to buy.