Using lead free flashings to keep your home dry
Lead free flashings such as Wakaflex has been around in Australia 15 years now and over 25 years in Europe. It complies not only with AS/NZS 2904:1995 Damp Course Flashing but also AS/NZS 4020:2005 ‘Products for use in contact with Drinking Water’ so Wakaflex can be used with any water harvesting system. Lead free is essentially quicker, lighter and easier to install compared to lead, in fact it can be installed on similar jobs in less than half the time. Have a look at the required steps for installing lead flashing here or watch the comparison video:
The main reason it’s easier to install is that;
- It can be laid in 5mtr lengths unlike lead which must be laid with 1.5mtr lengths
- It has unique self-fusing properties on the overlap that creates an air tight seal – so no additional silicone or glues required
- It is only overlapped by 30-50mm compared to lead 150mm on each 1.5mtr length – so less wastage
- Grab a normal pair of house hold scissors and take the required number of rolls up onto the roof and roll out along the roof surface (each 5mtr roll weighs approx. 4.5kg)
- Prepare the roof surface for installation
- Remove 1st strip of protective underlay and as you pull this away fix the Wakaflex to the wall with the existing sticky butyl strip on the roll. It should be noted at this stage that all flashings should be chased into the wall or over flashed. In our video example we are over flashing it with an older existing lead flashing.
- Remove the 2nd protective underlay and shape by hand to the roof profile. Wakaflex stretches and will push and hold into position easily as it has an aluminum mesh insert to hold its place.
- If a length of more than 5mtr is being flashed roll out the 2nd roll to the required length and cut in position with scissors then repeat steps 2 and 3 above.
- On the overlap simply overlap by 30-50mm. Wakaflex will automatically create an air tight self-fused bond where overlapped that cannot be undone. No silicone or other glues are required with Wakaflex.
For full video description of the above and for a step by step guide to install Lead Free Wakaflex on the same job take a look at our video install and for full installation guide see
Wakaflex comes in 3 sizes and 4 colours and can be painted. It comes with a 10 year guarantee and is the only lead free in Australia with a BAL rating (Bushfire Attack Level). For more info visit or to see the full flashing range available visit